Transform your business with our done-for-you CRM implementation service. Whether you don’t have a CRM, aren’t fully utilizing your current system, or are dissatisfied with the interface or cost, we’ve got you covered. Our experts will handle everything from setup and customization to training and support, ensuring a seamless transition. Experience improved customer relationship management, streamlined operations, and insightful analytics that drive growth. Say goodbye to inefficiencies and hello to a powerful, user-friendly CRM tailored to your needs.

Option 1: CRM Implementation

  • Fisher Services LLC to work with the customer to review and optimize the CRM account
  • Fisher Services LLC to migrate data from existing sources and set up new contacts and deals in the CRM
  • Plan sales KPIs and set up goals
  • Integrate CRM with email and calendar Integration and Automation Plan

Option 2: Sales Automation

Everything from option 1, plus:
The purpose of option 2 is to help the sales team save time by automating key processes and administrative tasks.

  • Automate Lead Import
  • Email Automation
  • Marketing Automation
  • Automated Sales Process
  • Automated Proposals/Quotes/Contracts

Option 3: Team Adoption

Everything from options 1-2, plus:
The purpose of option 3 is to ensure the tool is successfully adopted by the team and used effectively to track sales progress and KPIs.

  • Fisher Services LLC and Stakeholders to plan the “rules” or best practices we want the team to follow.
  • Fisher Services LLC to create a CRM User Manual
  • Training workshops (recorded)
  • Follow-Up workshops (recorded)



Customer relationship management” – or “CRM” for short – refers to the technology and processes that an organization uses to manage its contacts and relationships, both external and internal. These relationships can be with customers, sales leads, advocates, investors and job applicants.
CRM software, also known as CRM platforms or systems, specifically refers to the technology organizations use to manage relationships and processes. Typically, these CRM tools enable users to track their activities, manage communications with other parties, measure the impact of their and their team’s actions and forecast revenue. The top CRMs also integrate with other business tools, such as email marketing, document management and website tracking software.
While implementing on your own is possible, the benefits of using a consultant can lead to a smoother transition, better utilization of the software, and ultimately, a higher return on your investment.

Common challenges include:

  1. User Adoption: Your role is crucial in this process.  Employees may resist using the new system, but we can overcome this challenge with your comprehensive training, ongoing support, and clear communication about the CRM’s benefits.
  2. Data Quality: We understand that poor data quality can hinder CRM effectiveness.  That’s why we have regular data audits and cleansing, ensuring high data quality and your confidence in the system.
  3. Integration Issues: Integrating the CRM with existing systems can be complex.  Choose a CRM with robust integration capabilities and work closely with IT to ensure seamless data flow.
  4. Cost and Time: CRM implementation can be costly and time-consuming.  To manage costs and timelines effectively, conduct a thorough ROI analysis and plan for long-term goals.
  5. Lack of Clear Objectives: Without clear goals, CRM projects can fail.  Define specific, measurable business objectives to guide the implementation process.

To ensure high user adoption rates:

  1. Provide Comprehensive Training: Offer initial and ongoing training sessions tailored to different user roles.
  2. Communicate Benefits: Communicate how CRM will make employees’ jobs more accessible and efficient.
  3. Incentivize Usage: Incentivize employees to use the CRM, especially during the initial roll-out phase.
  4. Involve Users Early: Involve key stakeholders and end-users in the selection and implementation process to ensure the system meets their needs.
  5. Offer Support: Provide continuous support and resources, such as a dedicated helpdesk or self-help content, to assist users in navigating the CRM.

To ensure data quality:

  1. Conduct Regular Data Audits: Regularly audit and cleanse the CRM database to remove duplicates and correct errors.
  2. Standardize Data Entry: Implement consistent data entry standards and use forms or templates to ensure uniformity.
  3. Train Users: Train users on the importance of data quality and correctly entering data.
  4. Automate Data Validation: Use automated tools to validate data and reduce the likelihood of human error.
  5. Monitor Data Quality: Continuously monitor data quality and address any issues promptly.

To choose the right CRM system:

  1. Assess Business Needs: Conduct a thorough needs analysis to understand the specific requirements of the business, including scalability, integration capabilities, and user interface.
  2. Set Clear Objectives: Define clear, measurable objectives for what the CRM should achieve.
  3. Evaluate Options: Research and evaluate different CRM options based on features, cost, customer support, and user reviews.
  4. Involve Stakeholders: Involve key stakeholders in the decision-making process to ensure the chosen CRM meets the needs of all departments.

Consider Future Growth: Choose a CRM that can scale with the business and adapt to future needs.

Best practices for a successful CRM implementation include:

  1. Develop a Detailed Implementation Plan: Create a comprehensive plan that covers all phases of the implementation process, including timelines, milestones, and responsibilities.
  2. Allocate Sufficient Resources: Ensure adequate resources, including budget, time, and personnel, are allocated to the project.
  3. Customize the CRM: Tailor the CRM to meet the specific needs and workflows of the business.
  4. Provide Ongoing Training and Support: Offer continuous training and support to ensure users are comfortable using the system effectively.
  5. Monitor and Optimize: Regularly monitor the CRM’s performance and make necessary adjustments to optimize its use and achieve business goals.

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