Revolutionize your customer interactions with our AI-automated follow-up chat system. Designed for speed and efficiency, our AI chat seamlessly engages with customers, providing instant responses and personalized follow-ups. This not only ensures lightning-fast communication but also significantly reduces your operational costs. Automating repetitive tasks lets your team focus on more strategic activities, enhancing overall productivity. Experience the benefits of improved customer satisfaction, increased engagement, and cost savings. Don’t let your competitors get ahead—integrate our AI automated follow-up chat and take your customer service to the next level.

$1999 set up fee and $999 monthly



Once you sign up, you will fill out a simple onboarding form, telling us exactly what you need your AI system to accomplish. After that, you’ll meet briefly with the founder of our tech team to get any remaining questions answered and ensure the AI is being built in the way you need, while maximizing efficiency and results. Next, while our team is building your AI, you will meet with one of our technical advisors to get the CRM account setup to your needs, and finally, we’ll get you on a training and launch session. This entire process takes 1-2 weeks, depending upon the complexity of your system. The next couple of weeks are a great time to have your team and real leads test the system and give us any feedback, so we can make refinements. By the end of this process, your AI will be the best, most efficient salesperson in your business.
The tech team does the initial training of your AI Assistant, based upon your website, FAQs, and any other documents or content you provide to us. Your AI Assistant will then be able to answer questions about your business and provide context to your leads and clients. If you ever need to update your AI Assistant’s training, you can do so by entering in URLs and copying and pasting in other key information.
We do! The tech team will get all the information we need from you, and then take care of the rest. You can of course make modifications over time, and we’re here to help!
The “speed to lead” AI software responds to your leads in seconds. The key fact to know is that if you respond to leads within 1 minute, your odds of conversion can increase by more than 300%. The AI software will help you meet that threshold!
Yes! Your AI Assistant will walk through a wide variety of qualifying workflows. It can collect any information you or your sales team needs prior to a call with the lead. If you want, it can also disqualify leads, and prevent them from booking a call.
Yes, the AI will automatically book appointments and sync them to your calendar. You will book more calls and increase your sales!

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